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Fluke DSX Gold Support + Fiber MM, cam 1 jaar


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Fluke - Fluke DSX Gold Support + Fiber MM, cam 1 jaar
Voorraad Ja
Levertijd 2 dagen
Productnummer GLD-DSX-5000MI
Fluke DSX Gold Support + Fiber MM, cam 1 jaar. Aantal jaar: 1 jaar, Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7, Responstijd: 2 uur

1 year of Gold Support coverage for DSX-5000Mi which includes Versiv Mainframe, Smart Remote, OLTS Multimode and Fiber Inspection

Gold Support for your DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer™ allows you to make the most of your DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer purchase while ensuring a higher return on your investment. You will minimize your downtime, receive faster trouble resolution and have total access to all support resources.

Access to live 24 x 7 technical support
- Extend the expertise of your staff. Gold Support includes priority access to our world-class Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Our centers in Seattle, WA and Eindhoven, NL employ a full staff of highly trained technical experts that are on call, including weekends and through the night, to answer complex troubleshooting questions, including GOLD only services such as: Test set-up and instrument configuration, Fiber testing and reference setting, Test results interpretation, including trace results analysis. Let us help you get the most out of your DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer and Fiber bundles and understand the results you are seeing.