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HP H6NT9E garantie- en supportuitbreiding


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HP - HP H6NT9E garantie- en supportuitbreiding
Voorraad Ja
Levertijd 2 dagen
Productnummer H6NT9E
HP H6NT9E. Aantal jaar: 3 jaar

HPE Foundation Care Exchange Service combines popular remote hardware and software services that enable you to increase the availability of your IT infrastructure. HPE technical resources work with your IT team to help you to resolve hardware and software problems on your HPE networking products. Hardware exchange offers a reliable and fast parts exchange service for eligible HPE networking products. Specifically targeted at products that can easily be shipped and on which you can easily restore data from backup files, HPE Foundation Care Exchange Service is a cost-efficient and convenient alternative to onsite support. Hardware exchange provides a replacement product or part delivered free of freight charges to your location within a specified period of time. Replacement products or parts are new or equivalent to new in performance.