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Cisco HWIC-1B-U switchcomponent


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Cisco - Cisco HWIC-1B-U switchcomponent
Categorie Switchcomponenten
Voorraad Nee
Levertijd Onbekend
Productnummer HWIC-1B-U=
Cisco HWIC-1B-U. Kleur van het product: Groen, Zilver. Connectiviteitstechnologie: Bedraad. Hoogte: 19,1 mm, Gewicht: 204 g

Cisco® integrated services routers offer a wide variety of WAN connectivity modules to accommodate the range of application needs in customer networks. The Cisco 1-Port BRI U High-Speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC, Figure 1) offers BRI-U-based WAN connectivity for modular routers deployed in small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and enterprise branch offices.

Flexibility and Investment Protection
The Cisco 1-Port ISDN U interface HWIC upholds Cisco's commitment to providing customers with maximum flexibility and investment protection through modular HWICs that are supported on award-winning router platforms. When WAN bandwidth requirements or service provider pricing changes, users can easily change WAN services either by changing the software configuration or replacing the HWIC. Because the same card can be used on Cisco 1841, 2800, and 3800 Series router platforms, the number of stocking units can be reduced, and the HWIC can be redeployed from one platform to another.

Enhanced Reliability
An integrated solution has fewer components and hence, fewer points of failure (for example, one less power supply and fewer cables). This leads to enhanced reliability.